Friday, June 6, 2008

Here We Go!!!

Wedding: Yea! We decided on stuff! We are getting married August 23, 2008 at Troy's sister Sandy's house. We have to keep the numbers down because it's at her home and that's going to be the hardest part for me. We have the caterer, the place, and the pastor and are very excited that we are getting married this year. It is very short notice though-oh well, I guess that's just how we roll. Tonight we are going to figure out invitations and this weekend hopefully get those going and get the honeymoon all booked and ready to go. Troy is really good at this organizing and planning stuff so I'm just going along with what he says and trying to keep up! Talk about a little role reversal-I love it! Thanks to all you that put up with all the date changes and the not knowing what we're doing stuff.

House: Still no news...blah!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's June Already!

Well, hello everyone-long time no write I know! I have a few people I know that read this and I appreciate it!

Wedding: Well, for now...Hawaii is out. We are re-thinking the whole thing due to responses and I'm feeling pretty good about it. I think that the honeymoon there will be fabulous! So we are now thinking about a small wedding with around 60 people. This means that a lot of people won't be there but hopefully they will all understand that we had to draw the line somewhere. Who knows what will happen though because it is only June-AGH! We are thinking October 11 of this year so we'll see.

House: Lots of showings-no offers. It has now been 4 months on the market. Keep your fingers crossed please!

Welcome summer!