Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

Well, I'm all moved in-yeah right! My stuff is all here and I'm trying to get it somewhat situated. Moving day went well yesterday thanks to some powerhouse lifters-thanks go out to my neighbors Stephanie and Jake, Jake, Paul, Joe, Dan, Troy, Joni, Mom, Dad, and of course the many moving days with my sister Anna and her 4 kids. Many thanks for all the help! I'm here in Troy's beautiful house and feel really good about it all.

My closing is tomorrow. Good-bye 2530! It was real.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Moving Day!

I can't believe it is finally happening. It's like a dream and a nightmare all at the same time. I am moving out of my house tomorrow. The house that I have loved for the past 8 years. My first house ever! The house I was able to afford as a newly single lady and the house that had a great yard for the dogs and was easy to clean in about an hour. The house that took A TON of work and that I (with the help of many others) put A TON of work into. The remodel, the painting, the landscaping-oh my! And now it's all over. On to a new chapter. On to a much more beautiful and bigger home. On to a home with a much more manageable yard and a home with THREE bathrooms-hurray! On to a home with the biggest bedroom and attached bathroom-I've never had that-oh, and a walk-in closet! Exciting! I'm excited for the time when all my stuff is where it fits and it feels like our home and not Troy's home. I'm excited to walk Cleo around a new neighborhood, down to the lake, and to take the kids to the nearby park. Life now feels in fast forward. It was rolling along at a steady pace and then WHAM-it's full speed ahead-WHOA! It's going to be an exciting ride.