Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wow-What Happened?

It seems very strange that it's been so long since I've posted anything on this blog. There is always a running journal going through my head but I just haven't been writing it out in my own journal or on this blog. Some thoughts are way too personal and some thoughts I just figure no one else cares to know.

I used to keep a journal in high school. I would have a bunch of random thoughts all the time and would need to get them down on paper. One day a very good friend of mine-Andrea-gave me a fancy notebook as a gift. She said she noticed how I was always writing and wanted to support me in that. I thought it was very observant and kind of her. Then one day we had a writing assignment for my English class and it was 10 journal entries. Well, the teacher really made me nervous. She was the type of teacher that was so tough she just scared the bajeepers out of you. I remember on another assignment I felt so lucky to have Alicia writing with me because I knew she was way smarter than me. Anyway, I of course procrastinated on the journal entry assignment until the last minute when I decided to just turn in entries from my fancy notebook. I just knew she was going to hand them back (which she frequently did to students) to try again. She didn't. She actually gave me an A++ on them and said they were very insightful. Ha! I almost fell over! I could not believe my luck. Later on in my life I ran into this very teacher at a wedding. I tried to avoid her because I was still feeling intimidated by her but she found me! I asked her if she remembered me and she said "Of course, I always remember the very good and the very bad students" I thought to myself CRAP! But I did ask her which one I was and she said, "Oh, very good!" Then I said, "ME????" In utter disbelief. I couldn't believe it. Did she remember the journal entries or was it other things like the group projects? I guess I owe Alicia a big thank you!

Speaking of teachers...I ran into my old Algebra teacher a few weeks ago at a Beth Moore Bible study about "Loving Well". My mom invited me to go to this study with her because she knows how much I love Beth Moore. Side note: You get 50 or so women in a room together talking about love and there are buckets of tears! Anyway, I found myself at a table with Ms. Dietrich. Ms. Dietrich was a very scary, tough as nails woman whose legs swished together when she walked. I can still hear her walking around the classroom making sure people were doing their work. She frequently sent kids to the hall for a time out or whatever it was and then she would go out there and talk to them and we would all sit inside and try to hear what she was saying. I was so intimidated by her and was always nervous when she swished by wondering if I was doing something wrong. Anyway, here she was sitting in my small group at a "Loving Well" Bible study talking about LOVING! I couldn't believe it and I thanked God many times that I had never done anything to this woman like put a whoopee cushion on her chair, etc. My mom actually asked her-"So, do you remember Beth?" I was mortified. She said "Yes, she was a very good student" And I said, "I was horrible at Math!" Anyway, she remembered me too. Man, I guess I've always been way too hard on myself. It turns out that Ms. Dietrich (I get to call her Judy now) is a nice, normal person who really isn't scary at all. Who knew?