Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well, it's been awhile. I don't really have much going on in my life right now and that's ok. I guess I'll give updates then. Troy just got a dog training book so he's trying to teach Cleo how to fetch a frisbee and spin in a circle-not at the same time.:) It might take a while. I have been working out now 3x a week since October and I have steadily gained weight since. Somehow I have to stop eating. I mean really. I have it so wrong because I work out so I eat what I want and that's NOT good. I just want to eat what I want and I have to figure it out that it doesn't work that way. For instance, I worked out on the Wii for about an hour and burned 150 cals doing that. Not a lot but something. Then I had a 8 oz glass of OJ and it was 150 cals so I basically never did the Wii! It was a small glass of OJ too! So sad! It's really depressing so I don't step on the scale anymore. I know some of it is muscle but 5 lbs of it? I wonder.

Work is going ok. Dr. wanted to start taking Delta dental again and they turned him down. He was hoping to generate more business but now he's thinking it wasn't meant to be. I have funny patient stories but would they be a violation of HIPPA? I'm not sure. I'll have to look into that.

Anna and I took the kids to the SPAM museum on Friday. It was a 2.5 hour drive and we were pretty much the only people there. It was pretty fun and goofy. A nice, clean, fun museum for kids. They actually said that they want to go back. Then we went to the MOA for the evening and went on rides and had fun. The kids crashed in the car on the way home. Another fun filled Friday!

Well, I guess that's all. My biggest thing right now is wanting a baby so please send prayers our way-thanks!