Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's April Already??!!

Wedding...Wow where has the time gone? Troy and I met with a caterer today trying to get ideas and prices. They said-like everyone else we talk to- that we must decide on a time and a place. Sounds simple doesn't it? For us..not so easy. We are still trying to decide what type of wedding we want. Maybe we'll end up eloping to Vegas...hee hee...

Houses....2 showings today so please all be crossing your fingers and toes. Thanks!

Work...So many teeth, so little time. Trust your friendly dental hygienist when I type this-FLOSS! :)

Family...I have no clue-not a single one of them answered their phones today. Not kidding-not a one!

Misc...Troy and I went for a walk yesterday and found a mother duck sitting near her nest of eggs. It was so cute and I got a picture. So tonight I grabbed some old stale bread and we went to feed her and check up on her. Troy saw the devastation first. Oh my....all that was left were shells. It was VERY sad. We went looking for more ducks to give the bread and found 3 bats flying through the air-very cool. Anywho... I dropped the bread in the water for the carp.

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