Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well, it's been a few days now and Joni is on the mend. It took them a while to control her allergic reaction to whatever medication they gave her. She ended up with a bright red face, redness around her eyes, and a rash under her nose. That is slowly but surely clearing up. Sunday they took her temp and it was high and they discovered that she got E. Coli in her bladder from the foley cathedar they placed in the ER. They thought that she would go home Monday but because of the new infection with her temp they decided to keep her a few more days. The staff there are also experiencing her extremely hard to control blood pressure which hovers around 200 (systolic). That is too high. They are also wanting to control that before she goes home.

There was also another development. My mom recommended that she enter the nursing home where she works in there short stay therapy and rehab program. It is for people just like Joni that are on the mend and just have to get their strength back. She was hesitant at first but after discussing it with her she agreed that it would be the best choice before going home. This is a load off for Troy and I. We like the idea that she is going to a place that will get her up walking and that will teach her exercises that she can do at home.

I didn't talk to the doctor directly but heard through Sandy that Joni can't even get the chills. Her immune system is really low and weak so if she does she has to go straight to the ER. That is a big deal.

Tomorrow Todd will bring her to Camilla Rose and I hope she finds it helpful and worth while.

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