Saturday, March 13, 2010


Well, I have cheated. I've cheated some but this time really bad. In the past 3 days I have eaten a brownie each day. That's cheating on every level since they contain milk, gluten, and tons of sugar. I made them this past week for Bible study and then they have just been sitting on the kitchen counter staring at me and calling out to me. I gave in. 3 times. I feel pretty guilty especially since I haven't worked out for 2 weeks. What's happening to me?? I WILL work out today and will start fresh with my new eating style.

I was researching PCOS and diet and I guess I really have to focus on eating a whole lot less sugar. I'm thinking that those little dark chocolates are out too. Oh, sad. I haven't had a Diet Coke yet though! Yea! I guess I really should focus on the positive.

On a random note, I had a really great dream last night. I would write about it but I'm guessing it's so much better in my head. The point was that I think I feel love when I receive gifts-you know, from the 5 Love Languages book? Well, I received quite a few gifts in my dream and I was quite happy. I never thought of myself like that though. Interesting! Now I have to break that new info to my husband. :)

Well, I'm off to do The Firm. This is probably going to hurt a little bit! :)


Sarah said...

Thanks for the yummy brownies at bible study, but sorry they were so tempting to you!

Hardie Family said...

Oh no! So sorry about the brownies :( I definitely think the gifts could be a GREAT thing....and really intrigued about your dream! :)