Sunday, May 4, 2008

Beautiful Day

Greetings everyone! I'm not sure how often people actually read this blog, but I think it's kinda fun to write it so I'll keep it up for the time being.

Wedding update. Well, everyone's probably dying to know how my wedding research is coming along...Anna and I did go to the wedding last weekend in the American legion and I realized that style was not for me. However, I did learn that it is so important to have a wedding that is meaningful to us and "is just us" that it sent me on a mission to figure out what is "just us". Well, Troy and I have been talking and every time we talk about what we really want the beach always comes up. We spent all day Friday researching, discussing, and talking about all the different wedding scenarios we could have and the one that made us both excited every time we brought it up was the small beach wedding idea. So, for right now the plan is to get married on the beach in Hawaii at sunset and go on our honeymoon from there whether it be on a cruise around the islands or at a resort. We have to talk to a travel agent and figure out all the details. We are both very excited and hope everyone is excited for us too.:) Yes, we know it means that most likely only our immediate families would be able to come-and maybe even only a few members of our immediate family, but it is what would be "just us" so we're going for it. Let the planning begin! Whoa!

House update- Showings but no offers. :(

Troy is out raking my yard so I better go help him. What a guy!


darag2358 said...

Hey there-
I wanted to leave a comment so you'd have one:) I like reading your blog- even though I see you all the time- I guess it's kinda like when we watch home movies of ourselves huh? hee hee I'm excited about Hawaii- good luck with convincing the parents and planning it :) And in my opinion the only cool thing about the legion wedding was the live band- they were pretty fun.

Cros said...

Hey, mu sis got married in Hawaii with no fam. There were no hard feelings by any of us, but you guys are a closer family than ours. I think you have to do what makes you happy, I certainly was thinking of others when planning my wedding! She got married in Molokai (sp?) if you want any info.