Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ahhhh... Childhood

Well, tonight Troy and I went over to the Aragon's for dinner. When we got there we were informed that we would also be celebrating the birthday's of Skippito, Storm Trooper, and Puppy Baby. These are Jaron's special stuffed animals. Apparently Puppy Baby is 4 today. Jonah asked him how that could be when we celebrated his 15th birthday last year but Jaron just shrugged. :) Jaron said that we had to sing happy birthday to them and they had to blow out their candles. Anna had bought some churros at Costco to go along with the b-day cookies-what a mom considering Skippito is a Chihuahua. Before we sang Jaron went to find the b-day animals and couldn't find them! Jonah promptly made a sign that said MISSING: Skippito, Storm Trooper, and Puppy Baby and set it on the table. Meanwhile Jaron and Anna looked everywhere and eventually found them downstairs. So, we sang and had treats. I don't think I've ever sang happy birthday to stuffed animals but there's a first for everything. Next, we got gift bags that my sister helped assemble and we went over to watch the animals open their gifts(treasures from the bedrooms upstairs). Then it was time to go on a ride which was sliding down the stairs in a sleeping bag. Jaron said that an adult "had to do it" so I gave it a try. Not so fun as an adult! Then the party was over. It was fascinating how much kids retain when it comes to certain things. He remembered every part to a birthday party. So cute.

House: Well, we have decided to stay in this house considering the market. We are feeling pretty good about it. I cleaned and worked ALL day and I feel that it's presentable now. FINALLY!

Joni is in the hospital for pneumonia so please keep her in your prayers!

I finished the book The Secret Life of Bees for the 2nd time so I'm all set to see the movie-yea!

That's all for now. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Hardie Family said...

Oh my goodness! They have such vivid imaginations--I love it! Can't wait to see the house again now that you're feeling more settled. Love ya! :)