Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rainy Sunday

Hello my friends! I have been horrible at updating this and it's been even tougher now that I have a facebook page. Now THAT is addicting! I have mixed feelings about it, but it is fun to catch up with some people I haven't heard from since high school. Then again I think, well, aren't I already in contact with the people that truly care about me? I don't know? It's always fun to have more friends! One can never have enough right?


Wedding: It was a beautiful day! I felt truly blessed and that the Lord was present for our special day. I surprised Troy by having a recording of a song for him and I was told he got teary-YEA! That was truly a stealth operation because he always seems to know what's going on. I recorded the song "I Will Be There" at a patients house with my friend Melissa playing the piano-thanks Mel! He has a whole recording studio in his basement and he said to just come over any time and we could record it. NICE! So, after Bible study one Monday, Mel and I went to his house and we got right to work. I had never done this thing before but Mel was a pro (she has CD's out with her group called 3PETE) and we completed it in a half hour. It was hard for me to get used to hearing myself that way but after the first take Mel said it sounded good and that it COULD only get worse trying it again and again so we left it at that. I then brought the CD over to my mom's and she was sworn to secrecy. She held onto it til the wedding! Anyway, it all worked out-whew! The wedding was perfect. The weather was awesome and I felt very good about everything. I was very excited my Grandma was able to be there-thanks Whites-and Barb-and that the few family members of mine that could be there were there. I was also so thankful for my sister and Molly who were right there for me the whole day-we had a good time. Abi came up a week early to help and it was like Troy and I had a personal assistant she really helped keep us sane-thanks Abi! Oh see now I'm getting into thank you's and there's just too many people to thank-you'll all have to wait for your thank you's in the mail!:)

Honeymoon: Hawaii was BEAUTIFUL! We had a blast! Highlights were: Sunset at the crater in Maui, Warren and Annabelle's Magic show in Maui, all the beaches, snorkeling, hikes, and the helicopter tour of Kauai-whoa that was fun and scary! We also enjoyed the wildlife-the monk seal, frogs, and chickens-ha ha!

Married Life: I'm still going through things and trying to get settled. The cats have finally adjusted and have even made themselves useful by catching a mouse. Cleo has longer days alone but she has a whole laundry room instead of a kennel so I think she's happy about that. Well, I think that's all for now.

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