Sunday, October 5, 2008

Seeing Eye...What?

Troy and I went to my sister's for dinner-thanks Anna-and she told us a funny Jaron story. She really should have a blog page simply for the crazy things he says-but anyway. So, I guess there's a blind kid at his school and he was asking Anna all about it. He was asking if it hurt to be blind and also how blind people could see. Well, Anna explained that sometimes people have seeing eye dogs that help them cross streets, etc. Jaron thought about this for a while and said, "I wonder if there are seeing eye ducks because ducks look both ways before they cross the street." Oh Jaron.

My other favorite Jaron story is when he was doing his homework and the assignment was to write down a question, or something he wonders about. He asked, "Where does fart gas come from and why do I have so much of it?"

Oh the crazy things kids say!

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